At ModnPods, we prioritise environmental responsibility in all aspects of our operations. This commitment extends to our supplier selection process, where we adhere to strict environmental conscious criteria. We ensure that every new supplier undergoes a thorough evaluation process before partnering with us.

This evaluation process is designed to assess their environmentally conscious practices, including their adherence to ethical sourcing, environmental impact reduction, and social responsibility. By implementing this rigorous procedure, we aim to work with suppliers who share our vision and values, fostering a supply chain that promotes environmental management at every level.

This process to partnership begins here, by filling out the below form so your submission can go through the appropriate channels and auditing process.

Please note that unfortunately, we cannot get back to every submission. If there is a requirement for your product or a need for more information, our team will be in touch.


ModnPods is committed to fostering environmental awareness and respect within the scope of our operations, with a strong focus on contributing to a sustainable future. We encourage our business partners and supply chain to embrace and share this commitment. Environmental driven measures will govern ModnPods' activities, encompassing our facilities and across our supply chain.

"*" indicates required fields

Contact name*

Sustainability information

Drop files here or
Max. file size: 100 MB.


    i.e. ISO standards, carbon neutrality, carbon offsets, industry related compliances, Australian national standards, green credentials.


    (Can you provide a list of what the product is made of – the material inputs that go into producing of the product).
    Please provide Suburb and State. If not located in Australia, please provide City/Country.
    (ie. First phase of product manufactured in China, secondary phase for product finalisation and completion in Brisbane, Queensland. 80% made overseas and 20% finished in Australia). Please provide details.